Mass Go Solar Coalition
The mission of Mass Go Solar Coalition is to ensure significant growth in the number of KW produced by solar panels in MA by 2030 and include minority, low income, and underserved communities in the benefits of this transition. We will do this by connecting, convening, and collaborating with businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and community leaders committed to promoting the solar energy industry while focusing on the built environment. We endeavor to accomplish the following objectives.
Legislation and Policy Changes
The Coalition will support the work of SEBANE and other key partners in their advocacy efforts at the state house and governor’s office for approval of legislation and policies that make installing solar energy simpler, easier, and more affordable.
Marketing and Promotion
The Coalition will develop and implement a Marketing and Education Campaign in MA that increases the demand for solar energy by a factor of five or more. The Coalition will reach out to all communities with a special emphasis on low income and diverse communities.
Model Solar Energy Communities
The Coalition will Identify and work with cities and towns that are willing and able to serve as a Solar Community Leader by raising the bar for what is required, expected, and possible for solar energy installations in their communities.
Workforce Development Programs
The Coalition will work with key partners to promote the growth and development of current and emerging workforce development programs in order to meet the increasing demand for solar and create quality jobs. The Coalition will seek partners who place special emphasis on training individuals from Environmental Justice, low income, and minority communities to be highly skilled on solar installations.
Financing Solar Energy Projects
The Coalition will identify a wide variety of financing all types of solar energy projects with an emphasis on structured projects for residences, businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies that are installed by locally owned solar energy companies.
At SBN’s first ever Solarize MA Summit on June 24th, we organized the following five working groups:
Policy and Legislation Working Group
Model Solar Energy Communities Working Group
Workforce Development Working Group
Solar Marketing and Education Campaign Working Group
Solar Financing Working Group
For more information and further inquiries, please email Manjulika Das at manjulika@sbnmass.org.
Mass Go Solar Summit, SBN’s 33rd Annual Conference - Friday, June 23rd 2023
The Mass Go Summit is being organized in collaboration with the Mass Go Solar Coalition, whose mission is to ensure significant growth in the number of KW produced by solar panels in MA by 2030 and include minority, low income, and underserved communities in the benefits of this transition.
Key Objectives of the Summit:
Build an aligned and organized movement to solarize MA composed of organizations and leaders from all solar-related sectors of our economy.
Develop a specific strategy for accomplishing the five key objectives of the Mass Go Solar Coalition.
Support and expand small locally owned solar energy businesses in Massachusetts
Bring together the various components of the MA solar energy ecosystem which is essential to solarize MA as quickly as possible.
Expand solar energy installations in Environmental Justice communities and increase a diverse and inclusive workforce in the solar energy industry in MA.
Our Sponsors
Solarize MA Summit
On June 24th 2022, the 32nd Annual Conference from The Sustainable Business Network of MA (SBN) featured its very first Solarize MA Summit. Since the Fall of 2021, SBN has worked to convene a coalition of Solar Energy leaders in MA with a mission of contributing to the Governor’s goal of having 50% of our MA energy come from renewable sources by 2030.
Our Summit brought together 35 solar energy leaders in Massachusetts to identify key initiatives that need to be addressed to accomplish the Solarize MA Coalition's four objectives.
View images from our first Solarize MA Summit below, and a full report of the Summit here!